
RMC’s own John Luaces set out to accomplish a personal life goal to complete the 123rd  4月15日的波士顿马拉松赛th, 2019. This monumental race isn’t only the world’s oldest, but also regarded as one of the world’s most challenging marathons. Competitors come from all over the world to brave the sloped ter雨 of the Massachusetts rolling hills, and the unpredictable New England weather. To make the competition even more challenging this year, the race began with slippery wet weather conditions. This posed a threat for all 30,000-plus runners who commenced their marathon expedition through the wind, 雨, 雷声, 和闪电. 随着时间的流逝, 太阳终于出来了, as if to offer a ray of light on their path to the finish line. 然而, with slippery slopes behind them, the runners were then faced with heat and humidity in their final stretch. Regardless of their adversity, crossing that historical finish line after 26.2 hard-earned miles is a victory to all Boston Marathon competitors. John crossed the finish line with a time of 3 hours and 32 minutes. John’s accomplishment is impressive, and his determination is inspirational!


服务 Technician, Redding, CA

How long have you worked for RMC?


How would you describe your work day?

I service a mostly Ricoh customer base.  My territory covers locations approximately 100 miles from Redding.

What is the best thing about your job?

I enjoy the challenge of repairing customer’s equipment and network printing issues.

What do you like most about RMC?

I like the teamwork that I experience from my coworkers and management.

What does your workspace look like? 你用什么工具?

My workspace has 4 wheels and a steering wheel. It gets 28mpg and tops out at 140mph.  然而, it has yet to experience more than 70mph. My tools would include a screwdriver, a laptop, and sometimes a large hammer.

What has been one of your proudest moments working at RMC?

I am proud every time I can make a customer’s day better with a quick response, and timely repair.

What do you like to do when you’re not at the office?

我经常跑步. I have a side business where I organize and direct about 20 running events per year.  I also do timing for another 15-20 running events that I don’t direct. I also volunteer at my local church.

What inspired you to compete in the Boston Marathon?

Boston is considered the Holy Grail of marathons. All runners require specific qualifications to have the opportunity to participate. When I approached the age of 50 in December 2017, my goal was to prove my qualification for the Boston Marathon at the California International Marathon.  As a 50 year old male, I needed to run a marathon under 3 hours and 30 minutes to qualify for Boston. The quicker the time at the CIM, the better chance I had of qualifying for Boston. I ran a 3:05 marathon at the California International Marathon, and that pretty much guaranteed a spot in the upcoming 2019 Boston race.

What would you say to others who might dream to achieve such an accomplishment?

It’s a lot of hard work and miles. I started marathon specific t雨ing back in December, with already a summer worth of running up to 40 miles per week. My t雨ing peaked in late January when I was running about 70 miles per week. Then, I had an Achilles tendon set back. I had to modify my t雨ing regimen by involving more cross t雨ing. I was able to get back to marathon t雨ing in March, but not at the intensity I had been. 马拉松的距离是26.2 miles is not my preferred distance. I excel at the half marathon of 13.1 miles, or races of shorter distance. So with the t雨ing set back, I wasn’t sure how Boston was going to go. While competing in Boston, I ran well for the first 17 miles. I was running at a speed to finish in 3 hours, but then the high humidity of the day and altered t雨ing started to take its toll which slowed my pace. Nevertheless, I crossed the finish line in 3:32. It was a great experience, despite the time. 我非常喜欢.


John Luaces, 波士顿马拉松赛结束 Line

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